Città di Castello

The art gallery
of Città di Castello​

The municipal art gallery of Città di Castello

The splendid rooms of Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera house the Municipal Art Gallery

The art gallery of Città di Castello is housed in the beautiful rooms of Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera, which was built during the Renaissance by the Vitelli Family on the occasion of the wedding between Alessandro Vitelli and Paola Angela Rosso from the town of San Secondo Parmense.

Many famous renaissance artists contributed to the creation of the building including Cristoforo Gherardi.

The frescoed Picture Gallery contains works from the 1300's to the 1900's and has one of the largest collections in Umbria. In its 30 rooms hang pieces by some of Italy’s greatest masters including the “Standard of the Holy Trinity” by the young Raphael, the “Martyrdom of St. Sebastian” by Luca Signorelli and the “Coronation of the Virgin” by Domenico Ghirlandaio.

Of great interest is the collection of ceramics by the Della Robbia family and the reliquary of St. Andrea del Ghiberti.

The gallery also has contemporary works by such famous 20th-century artists as Carlo Carrà, Giorgio De Chirico and Renato Guttuso.


  • Phone: 075 8520656 – 075 8554202 – 335460050
  • from 1° apr al 31 oct: 10.00 -13.00 / 14.30 -18.30
  • Dal 1° nov al 31 mar: 10.00 -13.00 / 15.00 – 18.00
  • close: monday
Art gallery - Città di Castello


Entrance ticket to the Città di Castello art gallery:

  • Full price €8.00
  • Reduced €6.00
  • Family ticket A: €21.00
    (two adults and a child aged 6 to 14)
  • Family ticket B: €26.00
    (two adults and two children aged 6 to 14)
  • Family ticket C: €20.00
    (two adults and three children aged 6 to 14)
  • Free ticket
    (Visitors under 6 years of age)
Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian 1498 - Luca Signorelli
Banner of the Holy Trinity about 1499 - Raffaello Sanzio
Stendardo della Santissima Trinità 1499 about - Raffaello Sanzio
Coronation of the Virgin about 1486 - Domenico Ghirlandaio
Altarpiece of the blessed Nicola da Tolentino 1500 - Raffaello Sanzio
Marriage of the Virgin 1504 - Raffaello Sanzio


In addition to the “Standard of the Holy Trinity”, the first documented work by Raphael in Città di Castello was an altarpiece depicting the “Coronation of St. Nicholas of Tolentino” for the Church of St. Augustine in 1500 CE. Unfortunately, the canvas was badly damaged during an earthquake in 1789.

In 1503, he painted the “Mond Crucifixion” for the Church of St. Dominic, now in the National Gallery in London.

In 1504, he painted the famous “Wedding of the Virgin” for the Albizzini Chapel in the Church of St. Francis, which has been in the Brera Gallery in Milan since 1806.

Mond Crucifixion 1503 - Raffaello Sanzio